If your brokerage has been setup with Utility Concierge, there are two different ways you can submit transaction information.

The first way is automated submission. To turn on automated submission go to your brokerages settings and turn on the setting for "Automatically Synchronize Transactions with Utility Concierge".  (This can only be done by a brokerage manager)

With this setting enabled, you will not need to click any additional buttons to submit your transactions over to Utility Concierge and it will be out of sight out of mind.

The second way is manual submission. When you are inside of a transaction, go to the actions button at the top right of the transaction and select the Submit to Utility Concierge option.

Please note, the following is required for a successful submission to Utility Concierge and if you do not have ALL of these things, it will fail to send and let you know why.

1. The transaction must represent a buyer or a tenant.

2. There must be at least 1 buyer or tenant on the transaction's people tab.

3. There must be a closing date for a buyer transaction or a lease execution deadline for a tenant transaction. 

4. There must be a property added to the transaction's property tab.

Additionally you can set up status changes to be a driving factor in Utility Concierge submissions. This will be setup by your broker and can be setup by going to Setup -> Transactions and selecting the Statuses tab.

From here you are going to want to select the status(es) in which you want transactions that change to that status, to automatically submit to Utility Concierge. Check off the option that is circled in the image below for automated submissions.

Be sure to press save!

Moving forward, transactions changed to the statuses with this option checked off will automatically be submitted to Utility Concierge. If there are any issues during the submission, an activity will appear in the activity tab with the reason why it failed and you will be able to manually resubmit once the missing information has been added.