In the "Earnest Money" tab, you can keep track of the earnest money for this transaction.

Click add at the bottom right to add new earnest money.

This will pop up the following screen to add new Earnest Money. Bank account, amount, and date are all required fields to create this Earnest Money. If this is money coming into your account please ensure to check the box below the amount. More bank accounts can be added for the Brokerage under your Setup -> UserFields -> Brokerage user fields. Only Brokerage Managers and Accountants will be able to add more fields.

After you have everything filled out be sure to click save at the bottom right.

You will now see this Earnest Money in the table. You can edit or remove your Earnest Money by clicking the options in the Actions column.

As you add more Earnest Money, the balance column will update with the current balance for the transaction's Earnest Money. If the money appears in red with parenthesis next to it, it is negative money.