Here you can edit the bonus Commission Income that your brokerage will be receiving on this transaction. This can be expressed in “Dollars” or a “Percentage”. The default option will be in “Dollars”, but if you want to change it to “Percentage”, you can click on the drop down menu next to "Commission Income" and choose the “Percentage” option. Once you have chosen how you want the "Commission Income" to be expressed, you can then type in the appropriate dollar amount or percentage number in the text box immediately right of "Commission Income".

Commission Splits: If you are co-representing a party to a transaction, you can edit the commission split that you and the other agent(s) will be sharing. Before editing the split percentage, make sure that you have added the additional agent(s) that you are working with on this particular transaction in the People tab of the transaction. 

Once you have made sure that you have added all the agents that are co-representing a party in the transaction; simply click on the “Edit Transaction Splits” tab.

Type in the text box under where is says Split next to each Agent name the appropriate split that each agent will be receiving. Upon entering the percentages for each agent, make sure to click on the blue “Save” button. 

If you need to cancel the editing you are working on, you can click on the white "Cancel" button. 

Split with Broker: Here you can edit the percentage split that an agent shares with the Broker. In order to do so, simply type in the appropriate percentage the agent would receive, and then press the blue “Save” button at the bottom of the page. If you enter 75%, that is the amount the Agent keeps.