You can import commission plans to an agent account, or you can add a new one. Follow the instructions below on how to do so.
Note: If you would like assistance in mass-applying commission plans to your agents, please send an email to [email protected] with details.
Click on “Setup” and then “Accounts” from your dashboard.
Select the agent for which you want to add a commission plan.
Once you're inside the agent’s information, click the “Commission Plan” tab.
You can choose to Add a brand new plan, or import an existing plan.
If you want to import an existing plan, click on the green “+Import” button.
Choose the Commission Plan you want to import from the dropdown menu. Then, click “Apply”.
You can optionally tie this commission plan to a specific transaction type. Commission plans with no transaction type specified will take ALL transactions into account, including those with a different commission plan selected by transaction type. However, if you do specify a type, the plan will only count transactions of that particular type. For instructions on locking transaction types, see this.
You can edit the effective and end dates if needed. Click Save when you are done to apply the commission plan to the agent.
If you want to remove this commission plan from the agent, click the red “Delete” button on the bottom left.
If you would like to add a new plan from scratch, click the blue “+Add” button at the top-left corner of the page.
A new plan will appear where you can edit the Name, Description, Type, Dates, and Tiers.
If you select “Tiered” for the “Type” field, more options will appear.
In a “Tiered” plan, you have the additional options to choose which commission plan this one is Based On, if the Bonus Commission Counts Towards Agent Contribution (if checked any bonus commission from this transaction will factor in to the plan), if the plan Resets on Anniversary Date (based on transactions funded since the agents last anniversary date. If checked you will be able to add the anniversary date when you select the agent's plan), and the Funding Date. You’ll also be able to "+Add a Tier" (or a few).
Once you are finished inputting all the information, click “Save”.
A confirmation message will pop up. To confirm, click “Save”.
Your new plan will now appear as your “Selected Plan”. You can also view your plan “History” on the left.
For each commission plan you will be able to see the name, description, type, when it went into effective, when it is going to end (you can update this end date here), what the report is based on if it is a tiered plan, if it resets on anniversary date of the plan, and when transaction income counts towards this plan. It will also show the current contribution to the plan if it is currently the active plan and it is tiered. The current active tier will be highlighted in green.