Note: Only users who have a Brokerage or Office Manager role can access Agent Production Reports.

To access this report, go to ReportsAdministrative in your sidebar. Then, select the Agent Production tab.

You can customize your report to include specific offices, teams, or agent accounts. If you wish to generate a report without any filters, leave these fields blank and select Generate Report.

The results will appear in the table below. The default report includes the following:

  • The hyperlinked account name directing to the account page
  • Gross commission income (month-to-date, quarter-to-date, year-to-date, last 12 months)
  • Current bonus agent split or broker fee

To modify the number of results displayed on one page (up to a maximum of 100 agent accounts), use the Show _ Entries button.

To adjust the table columns or to add account details, select the settings gear icon on the top right of the table.

You'll find two sections here: Available Columns and Selected Columns.

In the Available Columns section, identify the desired data fields that are not currently displayed in the table. Click on the plus sign next to each field you wish to add to the table, moving it to the Selected Columns section.

The Selected Columns section contains all the fields currently displayed in your table. If you want to remove any field from the table, locate it in this section and click on the minus sign next to it. This will move it back to the Available Columns section.

To rearrange the order of the columns in the table, drag and drop the four arrows icon next to each field in the Selected Columns section to move them up or down as per your preferences.

Once you have made your changes, click on Save these columns as default to make the same arrangement available for future reports. Lastly, click the Apply button to implement these changes to your current view.

To download the table as a CSV file, select the CSV button on the top right of the table.