To see a list of all TotalBrokerage users in your brokerage, follow these steps.

1) Navigate to SetupAccounts.

This page displays all active TotalBrokerage users. 

2) To find a specific user, use the search bar at the top.

3) Click on a person's name to open their account page.

Advanced Search

If you would like to search for specific criteria, use the Advanced tab:

Search for Names, Emails, Mobile Phone Numbers, Teams, Offices, Role Permissions, and Account Status (active or disabled).

Role Category: Search for specific brokerage, office, or team roles.

Team Roles: Use the dropdown menu to select the Team roles you want to search for.

Team Selection: If applicable, use the dropdown menu to choose the specific team for the relevant roles.

Team Member SearchUse the General Team Member field to search for accounts on a team with roles, without roles, or not on a team at all.

Account Details

To search for custom Account Details, click on the Details section of the advanced tab. 

Please see this guide for instructions on creating Account Details.

Once your parameters are set, click Search.

Customize the columns in your user table with the Gear icon:

Clicking on the gear icon will open the Column Configuration window. Here, you can select and arrange the columns you want to see.

To add a column, click on the blue + button.

To remove a column, click on the red - button.

If you want your chosen columns to be the default view, check the box to save it.

Click Apply to update your view with the selected columns. 

Your view will then refresh to display your chosen columns.