To bulk add accounts to an existing onboarding, click on “Setup” and then Accounts from your dashboard. Please note that this is an Enterprise and Plus feature only.

Do a search for the accounts you would like to add to the onboarding. From the Actions dropdown menu, click on the onboard accounts button.

The following popup will display then you will be able to select the questionnaire you want the selected agent to fill out. 

There are two additional options:

1. Account cannot access totalBrokerage until this questionnaire is complete: This means that the account being onboarded will not be able to go into TotalBrokerages dashboard until this Onboarding is fully completed.
2. This questionnaire must be completed within a certain time frame: This makes the Onboarding due in a specific amount of hours/days, and when it becomes overdue will send overdue notifications to the person being onboarded.

Click on Okay. You can view the onboarding in the onboarding tab for each account.