To access the Earnest Money reports, click on “Reports” and then “Transactions” from your dashboard. Only Managers, Transaction Analyst and Accountants can view this report.

Select Earnest Money from the tabs. Here you can run a report that shows the activity of earnest money moving in and out of bank accounts. You can use this to balance your books.

Bank Account: Select which bank account you would like to run the report for.



Generate Report: Once you have chosen the bank account for your report, select the blue "Generate Report" button to run the report. 


  • Show ___ Entries: Here you can expand the amount of entries shown in the report. To do so click on the drop down arrow located within Show ___ Entries and select the appropriate number that you wish to expand by.  


The current balance of the bank account will show in the bottom row of the report.

You can export this report as a CSV if you press the CSV button.