From your dashboard, click on “Setup” and then “API” on the left side of the screen.
Please note that this is only available to Brokerage Managers.
Then, navigate over to the Webhooks tab.
From this page, you can manage all your webhooks.
To add a new webhook, either click the "Actions" button in the top-right corner or, if no webhooks exist, use the link in the table.
In this popup, enter the URL that will receive events from TotalBrokerage, select the events you want to receive, specify the account owner for this webhook subscription, and choose the API version to use.
If the webhook URL is invalid, it will not be saved.
The following are Webhook events and the triggers that fire them off.
Contact Created (CONTACT_CREATED)
Triggers when a new contact is created in your CRM.
Contact Trashed (CONTACT_TRASHED)
Triggers when a contact in your CRM is moved to the trash.
Contact Removed from Trash (CONTACT_UNTRASHED)
Triggers when a contact in your CRM is removed from the trash.
Contact General Information Updated (CONTACT_GENERAL_MODIFIED)
Triggers when the information in the General Tab of an existing contact is updated.
Contact Reassigned (CONTACT_REASSIGNED)
Triggers when a contact is assigned to a different account.
Activity Added to Contact (CONTACT_ACTIVITY_ADDED)
Triggers when a new activity is added to a contact.
Action Plan Task Completed for Contact (CONTACT_ACTION_PLAN_TASK_COMPLETED)
Triggers when a task is completed for a contact's action plan.
Contact Added to Action Plan (CONTACT_ACTION_PLAN_ADDED)
Triggers when a contact is added to an action plan.
Action Plan Paused for Contact (CONTACT_ACTION_PLAN_PAUSED)
Triggers when a contact's action plan is paused.
Action Plan Resumed for Contact (CONTACT_ACTION_PLAN_RESUMED)
Triggers when a paused action plan is resumed.
Action Plan Completed for Contact (CONTACT_ACTION_PLAN_COMPLETED)
Triggers when a contact's action plan is completed.
Account Created (ACCOUNT_CREATED)
Triggers when a new account is created in your brokerage.
Account Information Updated (ACCOUNT_UPDATED)
Triggers when the information in the General Tab of an existing account is updated.
Account Enabled (ACCOUNT_ENABLED)
Triggers when an account is enabled.
Account Disabled (ACCOUNT_DISABLED)
Triggers when an account is disabled.
Contacts Imported (CONTACT_IMPORT)
Triggers when contacts are mass imported into the CRM from a CSV file.
Transaction Created (TRANSACTION_CREATED)
Triggers when a new transaction is created.
Transaction General Information Updated (TRANSACTION_GENERAL_MODIFIED)
Triggers when the information in the General Tab of an existing transaction is updated.
Transaction Status Updated (TRANSACTION_STATUS_MODIFIED)
Triggers when the status of a transaction is updated.
Person Added to Transaction (TRANSACTION_PERSON_ADDED)
Triggers when a new contact, vendor, account (or an empty slot representing one of these) is added to a transaction.
Person Removed from Transaction (TRANSACTION_PERSON_REMOVED)
Triggers when the slot for a contact, vendor, or account is removed from a transaction.
Person Updated on Transaction (TRANSACTION_PERSON_MODIFIED)
Triggers when a slot in the People Tab of a transaction is updated, such as a new person being referenced or the slot being cleared.
Transaction Property Information Updated (TRANSACTION_PROPERTY_MODIFIED)
Triggers when the information in the Property Tab of an existing transaction is updated.
Transaction Financial Information Updated (TRANSACTION_FINANCIALS_MODIFIED)
Triggers when the information in the Financial Tab of an existing transaction is updated.
Date Added to Transaction (TRANSACTION_DATE_ADDED)
Triggers when a new date is added to a transaction.
Date Removed from Transaction (TRANSACTION_DATE_REMOVED)
Triggers when a date is removed from a transaction.
Date Updated on Transaction (TRANSACTION_DATE_MODIFIED)
Triggers when an existing transaction date is updated.
Activity Added to Transaction (TRANSACTION_ACTIVITY_ADDED)
Triggers when a new activity is added to a transaction.
Transaction Signature Request Created (TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE_REQUEST_CREATED)
Triggers when a signature request has been created and sent for a transaction.
Transaction Signature Request Viewed (TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE_REQUEST_VIEWED)
Triggers when the recipient of a signature request reviews the documents sent to them.
Transaction Signature Request Signed (TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE_REQUEST_SIGNED)
Triggers when the recipient of a signature request completes signing the documents sent to them.
Transaction Signature Request Cancelled (TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE_REQUEST_CANCELLED)
Triggers when a signature request is cancelled by a user.
Transaction Document Share Created (TRANSACTION_DOCUMENT_SHARE_CREATED)
Triggers when documents are shared for a transaction.
Transaction Document Share Viewed (TRANSACTION_DOCUMENT_SHARE_VIEWED)
Triggers when shared documents for a transaction are viewed by their recipient.
Email Received for Transaction (TRANSACTION_EMAIL_RECEIVED)
Triggers when an email is sent to a transaction.
Earnest Money Added to Transaction (TRANSACTION_EARNEST_MONEY_ADDED)
Triggers when a new entry is added to the Earnest Money Tab of a transaction.
Earnest Money Removed from Transaction (TRANSACTION_EARNEST_MONEY_REMOVED)
Triggers when an entry is removed from the Earnest Money Tab of a transaction.
Earnest Money Updated on Transaction (TRANSACTION_EARNEST_MONEY_MODIFIED)
Triggers when an entry is updated in the Earnest Money Tab of a transaction.
Transaction Commissions Locked (TRANSACTION_COMMISSIONS_LOCKED)
Triggers when commissions are locked for a transaction.
Transaction Commissions Unlocked (TRANSACTION_COMMISSIONS_UNLOCKED)
Triggers when commissions are unlocked for a transaction.
Here is a link to our API documentation for more information about the API: