The customer will receive an email with the comments that you've added to the signature request.

Select Click here to view.

After you open a signature request either from an email, text message, or directly from TotalBrokerage you will see the following page.

The Signer can either download the documents to print and sign or electronically sign them by clicking Get Started.

If Geolocation is Required, this pop-up will appear. You must select "Okay" before you can sign the document.

You will also see another popup to allow for location; please click Allow to start the signing process.

If you print the document and sign, you do not need to do anything else on this page, and you can close it.

If you are electronically signing the documents, you will be brought to the page shown below.

The Signer can scroll through all of the pages to read and review the information.

Select Next Field to jump to each field that needs to be completed or signed.

Select Sign All Documents to enter your signature once and it will be placed in each of the assigned signature fields.

Select Initial All Documents to enter your initials once and it will be placed in each of the assigned initial fields.

Adding Your Initials:

Draw: Use the curser to draw the initials 

Type: Select from 6 font styles

Use Phone: Use your finger to enter your initials

Then, either Insert to one location or Insert Everywhere

Add Your Signature

Draw: Use the curser to draw the signature

Type: Select from 6 font styles

Use Phone: Use your finger to enter your signature

Then, either Insert to one location or Insert Everywhere

Once all Signer fields have been entered, click Save.

When Signing is Complete, the following page will have the documents you just finished signing available for download.