Administrative reporting is only available for Brokerage Managers, and Office Managers to see. If you would like to access the Administrative report, navigate to Reports → Administrative in the left sidebar.

Select the Agent Commission Contribution tab at the top.

You can search for accounts within a particular office(s), team(s), or specific account(s). Click the blue Generate Report button when you have entered your search parameters. If no parameters are entered, it will generate everyone's contributions.

This report will show the following:

- Account

- Contribution Based on: Tiered or Flat

- Current contribution: Current contribution for the tiered plan

- Tier: Which tier the account is on.

- Current Agent Split/Broker Fee

- Bonus Commissions.

You can view more results on a single page by selecting the Show Entries button on the left.

To adjust the order of the columns or to add Account Details to the results, click the gear icon on the right.

A popup will open, allowing you to configure your columns. Drag and drop the items as needed. If you wish to save this view as your default for this report, click the Save these columns as default checkmark. Then select apply and your columns will be updated with your selections.

You can export this to a CSV by clicking the CSV button on the right side. A CSV file will be downloaded to your browser called commission-contributions.csv.