To create a Reassign Request for a Contact you must be a Lead Generator, Lead Manager, CRM Supervisor, or Manager for the Account and Office that the contact is owned by.
There are three types of Reassignment Requests.
1. Reassign Contact directly to an Account - This will immediately reassign the contact to an Account.
2. Reassign Contact to an Account - This will give the contact to a specific person if they claim in within the amount of time specified.
3. Reassign Contact to a Lead Route - The will put the contact into the specified Lead Route to be processed and reassigned to another person.
Reassignment Request can be created in a contacts record by click one of the two buttons circled below.
The clock icon will open up a window to create a Reassign Contact to an Account request and route icon will create a Reassign Contact to a Lead Route request.
Reassign Contact directly to an Account
After clicking the pencil icon this window will pop up. Select the account and office you want to reassign the contact to and press okay.
Reassignment request for a Contact to an Account
After clicking the clock icon this window will pop up.
You will need to select the Account, Office, amount of time they have to claim the contact and what information to include with the request. You can choose to include no information, just the contacts name, or the contact's name, email, and phone number. Below is an example of what a filled out request looks like.
This request is sent out instantly once you click okay and it will bring you back to the edit contact page. You will see the request at the bottom.
Reassignment request for a Contact to a Lead Route
After clicking the route icon this window will pop up.
From here all you need to choose is which Lead Route you want to send the contact to.
This request is sent out instantly once you click okay and it will bring you back to the edit contact page. You will see the request at the bottom.