You can add multiple vendors at once to your CRM by importing a CSV file.  

Click “CRM” and “Import” from your Dashboard to do this.

From the Import screen, read the entire disclaimer.

If you agree, check the “I have read, understand…” box at the bottom. 

Next, select Vendor as the upload type. 

You may click the Upload button or drop a CSV file from your desktop on the blue box.

You can select which file you want to upload from your computer.  

Please make sure that it is a “.csv” file.  

Then click “Open”.

On this page, you will match the fields from your CSV to the pre-existing fields in Total Brokerage. 

If a field is not matched, it will say “Do Not Import” as the default.  

You can select which field you want it to match by clicking on the drop-down menu and making a selection.

Vendor Type must be a selected field to continue with the import.

Once you’ve completed matching the fields, click “Import” at the bottom. 

Finally, you will receive a green confirmation message that your vendors have been imported.