You can perform a basic or advanced search for a transaction in TotalBrokerage here.  You can also view your transactions.  To perform a basic search, click “Transactions” and then “View Transactions” from your dashboard.

Type the name (or signer or property) of the transaction you’re looking for in the “Enter text” box and click “Search”.  Your results will appear at the bottom.

By default only active and pending transaction are included in basic search. Click the checkbox to include closed and rented transactions.

To do an advanced search, click the “Advanced” tab.

Here you can cross reference different fields at one time; Name (of transaction), People, Property, what party you Represent, Type of Transaction, Notes, Transaction owner, Participating agents, Office Document Name, Created Date, Status, Tags, or Checklist.

When searching by Name, People, Property, Notes or Document Name, you can enter specific text and choose if you want the search to analyze by; equals, not equals, starts with, ends with, contains, or doesn’t contain.


When searching by Represent you can select buyer, seller, landlord, or tenant from the dropdown. When Type is selected, you are able to choose the type of transaction you are looking for from the dropdown menu.

When searching by Agent, Participating Agent, or Office, you have to start typing into the text box until the option for a drop down menu will populate and you can choose the agent you want to search by.

When search by Created date, select a date from the date picker.

When searching by Status, you can select active, pending, closed, rented, dead or any other custom status your brokerage has created. You can select multiple of these if you want to see multiple types of transactions in your search. By default, active and pending will be populated here unless other transaction statuses have this option checked off.

Tags - Choose the applicable tags and function (Includes all, includes any, doesn't include all, doesn't include any)

Checklist - No checklists for transactions with no added checklists and Checklists with No Completed Items for transactions with no steps completed within any added checklist.

Commission Lock Status - You can choose "Commissions are Locked" or "Commissions are Unlocked".

There is also a Dates section where you can search by transaction dates.

There are 6 different search types:

  1. before - Get transactions that have the specified date before the selected date
  2. after - Get transactions that have the specified date after the selected date
  3. on - Get transactions that have the specified date on the selected date
  4. between - Get transactions that have the specified date between the two the selected dates
  5. exists - If this transaction date exists on the transaction
  6. doesn't exist - If this transaction date does not exist on the transaction

After you select the search type, you will see the date select come up if applicable.

Remember to click the blue search button after you have selected all the parameters you want to search by.

Your search results will appear at the bottom of the page.

You can configure the columns by clicking the gear icon.

The following popup will come up. The columns on the left are available to be selected while the column on the right are already selected.

To move a row from the left to the right, you can press the blue plus button or drag the mover icon from the left to the right list.

To move a row from the right to the left, you can press the red minus button or drag the mover icon from the right to the left list.

The way the right list is organized will be the order the columns appear in the report and they can be rearranged.

If you want to save the column configuration for the future, you can check the box for "Save these columns as default" and press apply.