To add a template for a marketing campaign, select MarketingTemplates.

Once in templates, click the Actions menu at the top-right corner of the page. Then, select +Add a Template. You can also click edit in the actions column to edit an existing template. 

Pick a name for your new template and select who can access it. Then choose the template type: Contact email (for contacts within the CRM), Vendor email (Vendors within the CRM), or Account email (for Totalbrokerage users). You can also add groups to this template to better organize it.

Scroll down to the Email to Send section and edit the body of the message. Please note that managers can only edit brokerage-wide templates.

Please click here to learn more about the enhanced editor. If you are using the basic editor (accessed from the action menu at the top right), follow the steps below.

Inside the template's body, you can also use the Insert button to pull details of the contact via mail merge.

By clicking Send Test, you can send a test email to yourself for preview purposes.  

When you are done, click the Save button to save your new template.